
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

9 Months!!!

What a difference nine months can make! My girls are growing up so much! We have moved, Hannali is in a new school we are getting use to new stores new routines, and new people, not to mention Dan got a new job too, and we love it!! The road that has brought us here has been a very long and hard road and we are so grateful to be here!
Their is so much to catch up on! 
Here is a view from our front porch, we love it here and never imagined that we would be so blessed to have a home like we do!
Here's a view from the back, In pretty sure that that one day will be full of houses. But for now we'll enjoy watching the jack rabbits and all other forms of wild life, including a TON of mayflies and mosquitoes!!
Miss Hannali is doing so well, this picture is taken on the same day as schools pictures and her gotcha day. For seven years we have had this little bundle of joy and she defiantly that a joy. She is so good with her sisters and such a great help to me. She is loving school and she enjoys being out playing with all the friends she has made here. Today is my 20th anniversary and I woke up and Hannali was in the other room writing me a note that said "happy anniversary, hope it's a good one" she made one for Dan too. Hannali has the kindest heart, she is so sweet thoughtful, I love her to pieces! (Janeyi is such a ham!)
Miss Beccamei is such a delight she's pretty easy going and can get Janeyi to laugh without fail. Their are times that I can tell that she still wants to be the baby, when ever the girls play she is always that baby, even when it's just Janeyi and her. They play really well together... most of the time....  she is still my early riser and I kind of like that because she will come in and either cuddle with me or come and "help" me read my scriptures. 
Here's our little Janeyi, of all the girls she has changed the most. Their were times I wanted to cry and times that I did, She by far has been our hardest to transition into our family and daily living.  Their was the language barrier and she had/has a lot of anxiety, she doesn't do new anything well. I don't think that they did much with her, I believe that she spent the first two years inside not experiencing anything to do with the out doors. When thing warmed up this spring I was able to take her to the park for the first time, it was a windy day and when I took her out she acted like she didn't know how to breath in the wind, kind of like what a newborn would do. I couldn't put her in a swing, or on the ground for that matter. When a flock of bird flew overhead she went in to a tantrum and started to scream. I wonder if that is how she got what she needed because that is what my first 6 months were like, constant tantrums and screaming... it didn't help that she couldn't communicate AND that she is two! Since she has been able to talk and tell us what she needs things have gotten a lot better! She is a fun and has a very funny personality.  She is more settled now and her anxiety levels are not always always on high alert.  When we first brought her home I couldn't even use the bathroom without her having a panic attack. On Hannali's gotcha day we had a party for her and I couldn't see Janeyi around my feet, I looked and I saw in the distance Janeyi and I was amazed! So baby steps, I see more progress when I look back on journal entries and my blogs than I do day to day, but that is what it is like for all of us I guess.


Jeff and Jessie said...

Happy 20th anniversary! I thought of you all day. Thank you for staying married. So many are leaving that behind. Thank you for your wonderful example. We love you! And we love those girls!!!

Becky said...

Helen, it is so good to be able to see your family growing- they are so beautiful. What a blessing our children are :) Happy 20th anniversary- we are right behind you! I remember going to your reception- now its strange to have just had a reception for my own daughter! Life is crazy that way- it just keeps moving forward :)

Linda said...

Yeah! you've all come a long way. So happy to see a great things ahead of you! Love you all !!

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